Memories of Brooklyn
" I grew up in Red Hook, that's South Brooklyn. Now they call it Carroll Gardens. Here are some things that come to mind. Egg Cream's, Plain vanilla fountain soda's, Stickball. Sitting on the stoop till all hours of the night as the smell of fresh baked bread came from the two bakeries that were on either ends of the block ( I can taste the bread now). Johnny pumps in the summer. The whistle or yell of someone's mom calling the kids for dinner or it's time to come in. Ringo leaveo, Buck Buck ( or Johnny on a pony), Tops, Skelzeez, Fistball (or Punchball)......and then a few years later. Softball in the school yard drinking in the school yard everything in the schoolyard. Football on concrete what grass? Hangin out on the corner waiting for your boys to see what's up tonight. lets cruise the neighborhood, no it's the weekend it's time to party. Bay Ridge bars and discos, after hours clubs and breakfast dinners. Good Times ". " Some of us didn't make it, friends you will never forget. Friends that lost life to soon. It was tough in Brooklyn and only the smart and strong survived, but even the strong died, Sometimes you think, and you see that fate and a little bit of luck had a lot to do with it ". " Whether good or bad and sometimes sad. These memories I will always hold close to my heart " .
Growing up in Brooklyn
these might have been just a few things that at the time you took for
granted. You don't know at the time that those realities would be
treasured memories in the years to come. When your brought up in Brooklyn
you are part of a family that is known all over the world, and where ever
you go and where ever you move too the Brooklyn in you stays in you
forever. Someone asks you "where are you from ? " and you
proudly say almost boasting " BROOKLYN " the person immediately
takes a step back and says "oh!" because where ever they are
from it can't compare to Brooklyn. We are a tough and tight knit bunch
with a diploma in street smarts that will help you through life whether
you are a doctor or a laborer, if your from Brooklyn you have
an edge. I am sure other people from other places might think that where
they come from or came from is the place to be from, but we all know
better "
aint BROOKLYN ".
Thanks for Visiting Rich C , a.k.a. Bklynsts |